Past Events

2015 Events - Intelligent Transport Systems

American events

  • 4-5 June, ICITS 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems - New York, USA
  • 26-29 October, ITE 2015 Fall Conference - Tucson AZ, USA Link

European events

  • 27-28 January - ATEC ITS - Paris FRANCE
  • 19 March - Towards Smart Cities and Intelligent Transportation - Embassy of Canada, Stockholm SWEDEN
  • 20-22 May - VEHITS 2015 Vehicle Technology & ITS- Lisbon Portugal
  • 3-5 June - MT-ITS 2015 / 4th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems - Budapest HUNGARY
  • 15-18 September - 1st IRF Europe & Central Asia Regional Congress - Istanbul TURKEY
  • 15-18 September - 18th IEEE ITS Conference - Canary Islands, SPAIN
  • 5-9 October - 22nd ITS World Congress - Bordeaux FRANCE
  • 14-16 October - Smart City Exhibition #sce2015 - Bologna ITALY Link
  • 28-30 october - infrastructures and technologies for the Smart City - Monza circuit ITALY Link

Middle East Events

  • 22-25 March - ITS Forum UAE - Abu Dhabi UAE
  • 25-27 Octobre - NATRANS Middle East Conference - Abu Dhabi UAE Link

Asia Pacific events

  • 12-13 February - ITS ​Summit Singapure - ​SINGAPURE
  • 27-29 April - 14th ITS Asia Pacific Forum - Nanjing CHINA
  • 12-14 May - Australian ITS Summit / NeTC 2015 - Melbourn AUSTRALIA
  • 16-18 May - ITPE 2015 / 13th Guangzhou International Intelligent Transportation and Parking Equipment Expo - Guangzhou CHINA
  • 19-23 Octobre - ICCVE 2015 / 4th International Conference on Connected Vehicles and expo - Shenzhen CHINA Link
  • 23-25 October - CET 2015 / 5th World Congress on Engineering and Technology - Suzhou CHINA Link

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